Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Whew! Catching up!

Its crazy that I haven't updated this blog in a while! It honestly took every ounce of energy I had to post the video of Addison announcing that we were pregnant and after I did that, I just disappeared! Ha! It probably has something to do with the fact that life hasn't stopped or slowed down one bit since we found out we were pregnant again and when you combine that with a very sick pregnant lady...it doesn't make for a good combination. So all of my "plans" for documenting this pregnancy with this blog have gone right out the window along with most of my meals the last four months. Sorry but its true!

So where are we now??? I just had my 4 month appointment yesterday and everything looks wonderful with the baby. I have been just as sick with this little one as I was with Addison and I am back swearing to Duke that this will be the last baby I give birth to. Ha! Most days I still live off of Zofran and as of yesterday they put me on Zantac to try and help heal my esophagus since the last couple of times I've gotten sick its been very bloody (Fun times! I know!). I've gained right at 6 pounds total and this will probably be the only time I post my weight gain.

I have said since I first found out I was pregnant that I thought this little peanut was a boy and I still feel that way. I have managed to convince most of our family members its a boy so if its a girl, we are all in for quite a shock! Addison has been so precious and can't wait for the baby to get here. She loves looking at my belly and likes to talk to EVERYONE about the baby that is in her Mommy's belly. Lately, she even brings them over to "see" the baby and then promptly tells them that they can't really "see" the baby because it is inside my belly and isn't big enough to come out yet. Love her! She is going to be a wonderful big sister!

Speaking of the little peanut, here is a picture of my ultrasound photo at 8 weeks:

Quite the looker already, huh?

Hopefully I will be better about updating this blog...at least I promise to try. Its funny because I write all sorts of blogs in my head all throughout the day, but when it comes to actually writing them or going to sleep - sleep always wins.

Thanks for hanging in there with us and for celebrating our blessings!

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