Thursday, December 16, 2010

Brownie the Bunny

This little girl has really settled into her new home and we are all enjoying her. She is right at 7 weeks old and truly couldn't be any sweeter!

We've had the best time watching Belle and her play together! Belle is so excited to finally have someone her size to run and play with! When we put Brownie back in her cage, Belle sits in front of it and whines for us to get her out. They're best least in Belle's eyes!

Luckily, Belle is even sweet enough to share her toys with her...

Addison is thoroughly enjoying her and in all honestly, probably holds her too much! We have to constantly remind her that if Brownie is in her lap, she can't eat or drink.

We had quite the entertaining conversation with Addison about Brownie the other night. I asked Addison why she had chosen her out of all the other rabbits that Aunt Bridget brought to the party and she very seriously looked up at me and said, "Because this rabbit matched my hair Mom!"

And there you have it...that's how Brownie came to join the Skalon crew!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Addison's 4th Birthday Party...

It's still so hard for me to believe that this little lady turned FOUR this year! Where does time go???

Addison loves to paint and draw so we came up with a "Painting Party" theme and ran with it...

I ordered these cute little piggy banks from Oriental Trading...

Made a sign to put by her awesome cake that Mom made...

And a few sweet centerpieces for the tables...

Added an apron for each child to wear while painting their pigs and a few polka dot balloons and POOF! We had a party! :)

Addison had about 25 of her friends there to celebrate her special day and each of them were so cute painting their pigs.

Love this sweet picture of the birthday girl working so hard on hers!

Mom truly out-did herself on Addison's cake this year! She even included a little pig pink (Can you see him???) to go along with the piggy stinkin' creative!

The beautiful cupcakes that went along with the cake...they were DELICIOUS!!!

And just to top everything off, even this paint bucket was could eat it!

Addison was in awe of her cake as you can tell! She couldn't stop looking at it.

Happy 4th Birthday sweet girl! Make a wish!

Duke and I were so proud of her this year as she took the time to open and "read" EVERY card that came with EVERY present before she opened the gift. Then after she opened the gift, she found that person and said "Thank you" for her present. We were quite proud parents even if it did take her a hour to open her gifts!

The guest(s) of honor at the party were definitely these sweet little bunnies that Aunt Bridget brought to share! Aunt Bridget had asked us before if she could give one to Addison for her birthday and we had agreed. Addison SQUEALED with delight when Aunt Bridget told her she got to take one home. She picked the little brown one immediately and made sure everyone knew that one was going home with HER. We had fun teasing the parents by telling them the bunnies were the kids party favors! The looks on their faces were priceless!

A proud NaNa and Pop-Pop with their birthday girl!

Such a beautiful group of girls...Aunt April, Aunt Bridget, Addison and Maw-Maw!

We had such a fun day with our sweet girl and simply can not believe she is truly 4! It's even harder to believe that this time next year we will be a family of four!

Happy Birthday to our sweet little lady! We are so proud of you and love you SO very much!

Addison's Thanksgiving Feast

Right before Thanksgiving, Addison enjoyed a Thanksgiving Feast at her school with all of her classroom friends. They had the best turn out and all of the parents provided the yummiest food for the children to enjoy. I am truly loving being Room Mom and having the opportunity to be so involved with Addison during her first year of school. She has the sweetest teachers and Duke and I both feel so blessed that she is in their classroom.

Look at this craft they did...What a sweet reminder this will be of how precious she was at this age!

Some of the sweet children in her class...

Our little turkey waiting to eat...

Each child shared with Ms. Tracy and Ms. Christy something they were thankful for before their Thanksgiving feast and their answers were proudly displayed around the classroom. Duke and I got the biggest kick out of Addison's answer!

Me with my sweet (and growing up WAY too quickly) girl!

Addison with her precious teachers. SO very thankful for them!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Thankful for Sweet Girlfriends...

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Addison and I met Christina down at The Cheesecake Factory to celebrate both of these lovely ladies birthdays. We sure do miss our "Chris-nina time" since she married her prince charming and moved to beautiful Destin but we were so glad to squeeze in some girl time (and yummy food) with her while she was home.

I stumbled across this photo of the three of us at Addison's 2nd birthday...look how little she was! Precious!

So thankful to have such wonderful girlfriends that love your children like their own!