Friday, November 19, 2010

Christmas Cards!

Don't you just love getting Christmas cards in the mail? It is one of the things I look forward to the most. I remember when I was growing up I would take all the Christmas cards that my family got and put them up on our walls in the kitchen. I loved looking at the pictures and seeing how people have changed and how children have grown up. Now as I have my own family and my own children, I look forward to sending one out just as much as I do getting some.

There are so many different places to choose from when making your Christmas card. I have used Shutterfly before and will be using it again this year thanks to an offer for free Christmas cards to bloggers (that would be me!)

Just look at all of there adorable choices (over 700)! Here are some of my favorites...

A classic example

LOVE this one...

I seriously don't know which one to pick! I guess I'll play around with all of our million photos from the year and see what I come up with! But you can check all of their designs here

And, just to make your shopping a little easier...they offer lots of awesome photo gifts (perfect for the Grandparents)! Last year we did a photo calendar for Duke's Dad and he LOVED it! You can check all those wonderful products out here

And if you are a blogger and want to get in on this too, you can check my Facebook page!

Now to start working on my cards! Woo Hoo! Check your mail people!

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