Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Southern Gal Tips for a Big City Trip...

I have to say that overall, I think I did pretty well for a "southern gal" as I navigated my way around Chicago last week. However, I did learn a few key points while I was there and just in case any of you have plans of making a trip up there's a few pointers for you that you will definitely thank me for (or at least get a good laugh out of right now).

1). Taxi drivers don't understand that in Atlanta, we don't walk to our destination, even if it is only "4 blocks that way" and they don't like to take you anywhere if that's how far you want to save yourself the trouble of tracking one down. One morning...after 3 taxi's had refused to take me to the office because "it was only 4 blocks that way," I completely lost it and (nicely) explained to the next taxi driver that I was not from here, I had blisters ALL over my poor toes and YES, I understood that my destination was simply "4 blocks that way," but if he would take me there, I would tip him whatever the amount of my taxi ride was. I'm not sure if it was the sound of desperation in my voice or the offering of the tip, but that guy took me to the office! Magic, huh??

2). Speaking of hailing a's not the easiest thing to do and once you get better get in it...QUICK! Yes, I actually had a guy (yes...a man) jump in front of me when I turned my back for one quick moment to gather my things. No worries, I absolutely did not mumble things under my breath and I absolutely maintained my Southern Ladylike composure. :)

3). Take a pair of flip flops! No one wears heels until they actually get to where they are going and until then, they wear flips flops and carry their "nice" shoes in their bag. Believe "nice" shoes wish I'd have known this prior to my trip up there. While we are on the shoe note...make sure you do not walk over the sewer grates that are everywhere on the sidewalks. Your heel WILL fit down in it and you WILL break it off if you're not careful.

4). This lesson surprised me the most...Southern people truly are EVERYONE. I was told on two separate occasions that, "I must not be from here" while riding in a taxi. I thought surely that they were referring to my southern accent but was surprised when they both replied that I was "too friendly." What??? All I did was ask them if they were having a good day and that was being "too friendly?" Isn't it natural if you are riding in a car (with a COMPLETE stranger AND you are a GIRL and you are ALONE) to attempt to make conversation with them in hopes that they truly take you where you want to go and don't think they can take advantage of you since you CLEARLY have NO clue where you are going? (Obviously, I have watched too many DateLine Specials and 20/20 episodes) But I did feel sorry for the taxi drivers after they said that. How boring to drive people around all day and not talk to them. No fun!

Most of all I learned that it's fun to visit a big city...but it's even better to come home. Me, myself and my feet couldn't have been happier to be back! (And the two loves I had waiting for me were icing on the cake!)

1 comment:

mom said...

Yes Margo why do you think your daddy a northener came here to Atlanta to find and wife and settle down to raise a family????? I think maybe people are ALOT nicer here. There are alot more of them here(northern people) than there use to be. Hmmm maybe they want to be nice too.