Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Camp Kidzu Day THREE - God is full of SURPRISES!

We had another wonderful day at Camp Kidzu and filled it with more special memories and great friends. Addison was so excited to go back this morning and wear her "camp shirt" (as she has called it all week).

It has been neat to watch Addison blossom this week and explore on her own. Typically, I am with her on Sunday mornings since I teach her pre-school class each Sunday but I am not with her class this week so it's been neat to stand back and watch her participate without Mommy right by her. She is quite the little performer and says that "the singing and dancing parts" of camp are her favorite.

Here is a photo of Addison and her sweet friend Haley that is in her class. Haley and Addison have been been best buddies this week and it's been so sweet to watch them walk to worship holding hands....Awwww!

Today the kiddos talked about how God protected Paul from a poisonous snake when his ship washed up on an island. How cute are these snacks that they got to eat??? The water is blue Jello. The waves are Cool Whip. A Vanilla Wafer is the island and the gummy worm is the snake. Yum!

As you can see...the snacks were a HUGE hit!

We are having a wonderful week with our friends!

And I feel so blessed that I am able to share in this special week with Addison and make such fun memories with her!

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