Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mother's Day

As always, I am late on this post but since "late" (I simply prefer "behind") seems to be normal for this blog, I guess I really don't have anything to apologize for, right?? :)

Nonetheless, I had a wonderful Mother's Day surrounded by lots of lovely and amazing women that make my life so special. Mom, Dad and Adam went to church with us in the morning and we celebrated our church's third birthday! Happy Birthday to The Vine! It was a great service and they showed a video of our church's last year, which was amazing to watch.

Later that afternoon, our families came over and we enjoyed a cook-out while the cousins had a wonderful time playing with each other. We had a houseful so I was a horrible picture taker, but Dad did snap this photo of Addison, Mom and I right before they walked out the door to go home.

Most days, I am still in awe that I am a Mom. You would think that after three and a half years I would be settled into this responsibility but I'm not sure if you ever really do? Just the other day I was filling out paperwork for our insurance and I listed myself as Addison's "Mother" and I paused for a short second. I remember being little and thinking that my Mom was the prettiest and greatest lady around. This probably has something to do with the fact that she never left the house unless she was fully dressed with her makeup just perfect (unfortunately, Addison has been subjected to many a trip to Publix with me in a baseball cap and not a trace of makeup on) and on cold winter days, Adam and I would get off the school bus and have hot apple cider waiting for us (yes...I am serious). So my views of what this role called "Mother" should look like, come with pretty big shoes to fill. Most days, I feel like I take it day by day and wish that Addison came with a handbook. :)

However, I am so thankful that I have a lady that I still find to be the prettiest and greatest lady around, to ask all of my questions about Motherhood to (thank goodness!).

Addison. thank you for giving me this title of "Mom." You will never know the honor that I feel each time I get to call myself your Mother. I dreamed of what you would look like and what you would be like from the minute I found out I was pregnant. Thank you for making my most amazing dream come true. I love you baby girl!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Margo please stop making me cry when I read this Blog. I never have tissues. Adison thinks there is something wrong with me because I am always crying. You are a special daughter and I feel so blessed that you appreciate all those goofy things I did back then. You will one day do that to Addison I am sure. And if I was as naturally pretty as you I wouldn't have needed to spend all that time putting on makeup to try to look so perfect. Thank you for being so special to me. I Love you sweetie.