Addison and Mom ventured into PetsMart one afternoon and this is what I came home to, two tiny, tiny mice. Of the joys of being a Grandmother! Unfortunately they only lasted at our house about 2 weeks before Duke said they had to go, but I am sure they are much happier at my Mom and Dad's house (although I don't think my Dad feels the same way).
As you can see, Addison adores them and has zero fear of them...
Although the mice didn't live with us long, they provided lots of entertainment during the short time they lived under the Skalon roof. One night Addison came into the living room and informed me that her mouse wasn't laying on her blanket anymore with her. You can imagine the look on Duke's face when she said this! I calmly (Yes...I remained CALM) asked her what she meant and she begin to explain to me how she had gotten one of the mice out and laid it on her blanket so it could watch her movie with her. Of course she did!!! Isn't this a normal thing to do with a mouse???? Ummm, No!
It was quite funny because Addison was heartbroken that this little mouse didn't want to stay on the blanket and Duke and I were freaking out that there was now a mouse loose in our house! No worries, the mouse was still in the playroom (thank goodness!) and after about 45 minutes or so of a nice game of "chase," the little mouse was back safetly in it's cage and had earned itself a one way ticket to live at NaNa and PopPop's house!
Oh daughter how I love to read this story! Aren't they just the cutest little things! They take a great picture don't you think? Anyway at least we didn't get the third one she wanted. Yet anyway.
That is too funny! It reminds me of the time my grandmother got me 2 parakeets (which I named Bo and Luke after the Dukes of Hazard). My parents were not pleased and it only took a few weeks for them to 'escape' when my mom was sweepting the front porch. And, yes, I found out a few years ago that they were actually given away...
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