We started out the morning with an amazing Easter service at our church, The Vine, and were reminded again of how thankful we are to be part of such an amazing church family. For as long as I can remember, Easter services have always been one of my favorites to listen to. There is always such an excitement in the air on Easter morning and people tend to be much more open to the Lord, the sacrifices he made for them, the idea that he died for them and then rose again just three days later so they can eternal life with him in Heaven. This Easter was no different, in fact it was more for me. As I sat there listening to our pastor David, sitting beside my husband, surrounded by our best friends, and feeling our unborn son kicking in my belly, I was completely overwhelmed by the blessings in my life. Thank you Jesus for ALL of it!
Easter morning was crazy at our house so I got zero pictures of the craziness the Easter bunny brought with him or how adorable Addison looked in her "church clothes" but I did manage to snap a few photos throughtout the rest of the day as we hunted eggs at cousin Melette's and then MawMaw and PaPaw's.
Ready to hunt some eggs's...

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