Thursday, April 21, 2011

37-ish Week Appointment

I had my 37-ish week appointment this morning and everything looked great. Dr. Graham did an ultrasound to get a sneak peak at baby Braxton and see how much he was weighing these days. It was so amazing to see how much he had grown since our last ultrasound at 20 weeks. He was practicing his breathing (yay!) and the ultrasound tech commented again on how "active" he was. Another thing she kept commenting on was how big his feet are! This was funny to us because at our 20 week ultrasound, the lady made the same comment. It seems that our little boy already has a foot that is measuring right at 3 inches. Maybe he'll be tall??? We shall see!

One thing for certain is that he looks just like Addison did! We have wondered from the very beginning if he would look like Addison when he was born and from what we can tell, they look just like. What do you think?

And here is a shot of Addison when she was just a few days old...

They have the same chubby cheeks and the exact same mouth. Oh I can't wait to hold him!

Right before the ultrasound, the lady asked me if I wanted to guess the weight of the baby and I guessed 7lbs. She sort of looked at me like I was crazy, but sure enough, Braxton was measuring right at 7lbs. Dr. Graham wants to do another ultrasound at 39 weeks to see what he is measuring then but right now, we are still praying over whether or not we will elect to have a C-section with him. I have so many girlfriends that have had wonderful experiences with C-sections and we absolutely do not want to experience everything we went through with Addison EVER again but either way it's a big decision. I have to admit that I keep looking for things that will help make the decision easier but so far, I haven't found it. So prayers for knowledge and wisdom are greatly appreciated in the Skalon household right now.

In the meantime, we are counting down the weeks until Braxton is here and getting VERY excited! All of us simply can not wait to have him in our arms!

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