Thursday, September 9, 2010

Third Day of School...

Today was Addison's third day of school and the morning started out great. It was her turn to bring snack in for her class (which also means you get to be the line leader all day) so she was quite excited to share her snack with her friends and be first in line ALL DAY long.

She how proud she was with the "snack bag!" How cute is that??

All was good until we pulled into the parking lot and she realized that she actually had to GO into school in order to be the line leader. She had a complete meltdown which resulted in me having to walk her into school because the sweet lady who tried to get her out of the car, could not.

So I walked her into school and can honestly say that it took every "strong Mom" bone in me to walk away from her and leave her there. Thank goodness I had my sunglasses on my head because I definitely needed them to make it out of the school with any ounce of dignity left. I just kept repeating to myself, "This will get easier, This is a GOOD thing!" Although that is very hard to convince yourself of when you've just let a stranger pull your screaming child off of you and you've turned around and left. I'm sure this will cost us a therapy session or two down the road (just kidding!).

Addison did say that she had a good day at school and she enjoyed being the line leader, however this was after she told me (a minimum of 4 times) that she did not have to go to school tomorrow and that she was "done" with school.

Keep praying for us...I have a feeling next week isn't going to be much better!

1 comment:

The Adams Family said...

Awwwwww Margo! I promise it will get better XOXO