Monday, October 4, 2010

Where did September go???

Seriously? Is it REALLY October already?? Where did September go??

I think it's safe to say that we spent September trying to adjust to school. Yep...I think that sums all of September up for us. :)

School was not an easy transition for Addison but this Mom is VERY thankful that we seemed to have turned a corner in the last week or so and she is now enjoying it. Her teacher says she is doing wonderful and is a "joy" to teach. I am excited to be Room Mom and we are looking forward to all of the fun parties the holiday months are going to bring. Can you say FUN?!?!?

One bummer is that ever since Addison started school, she has decided that she does not like ballet. We've tried and tried and attempted to wait this "phase" out but honestly, I'm tired of fighting with her on ballet nights and Duke's tired of paying for something she isn't enjoying. So...we will try ballet again next year....maybe. We'll see. Sad for me since I was looking forward to the recitals and loved watching her practice (who doesn't love a 3-year old in a Tu-Tu??) but for now...we will wait.

Another unfortunate event in the Skalon house is that the Bulldogs are stinkin' this year which makes for "moody" Saturdays. This past Saturday we had a slight glimmer of hope that we were going to pull off a win but those hopes didn't pan out as we had hoped. On a good note, we did enjoy the "stinky" game with good friends and yummy food!

So, I think that's it for us! We are loving this weather and excited for all of the fun activities that are coming up. As of right now, Addison wants to be a Baby for Halloween so we'll see if that changes or stays the same. A few weeks ago she wanted to be Dorothy from the Wizzard of Oz so I'm holding off on buying a costume for now.

On a different note...can you believe Miss Addison will turn FOUR in just 52 days???? Now that makes me sad. :(


The Adams Family said...

The same thing happened to us last year with ballet. She had just turned 3 when we started. She cried everytime we took her. It was sad. This year we tried again she beggs to go every night! It was amazing what 1 year did. On a brighter note I am glad school is going better :)

The Gower Family said...

I am going through the heartbreak of Kylie turning 4 this year, her birthday is in 20 days! Mommy's heart hurts just thinking about it!