Thursday, March 4, 2010

We're Alive...Promise!

Wow! I can not believe it is already March! This year is already flying by!

In typical Skalon fashion, we have been running around like crazy and enjoying every minute of our crazy lives. Addison seems to have changed so much since Christmas and I find myself wanting to freeze time with her even more these days. She is DEFINITELY three (no doubt about that one) and has become extremely independent and willing to push any and all limits you may give her. We moved her out of her crib about two months ago and I still can't decide if this was a good idea or not. She has done pretty well with it and if I wanted to be honest (I know that's what I am supposed to do) the transition overall went better than we expected. The main problem is nap time which has now been renamed "quiet time" but as you can see from the photos below...most days, it's just not worth it and not much of this time is spent doing anything "quiet"....

Can you find Addison???

Funny how she put all her dolls to bed and then crashed in the floor!

Yes, Addison is definitely three and doing all the things she "should be doing" according to my Mom. She sure is fun though!

Speaking of are some photos of fun stuff we're gotten into lately:

Painting with friends from our Mommy & Me group at Imaginations at Play

Getting our nails done...

She wanted bright purple...we compromised and got hot pink ;)

Playing with the fake dog inside Old Navy...funny thing is, people thought she was part of the "set up" and looked shocked everytime she would move! :)

Having play "dates" at the mall...if I didn't know his parents, I'd be worried. (No worries - he is our pastor's son) ;)

And yes, they really walked like this through the was actually easier to keep up with them this way! :)

So as you can see, the beginning of 2010 has been a busy one but we wouldn't have it any other way. We have enjoyed all of the snow days this year crazy is that??? And I snapped some of the cutest photos of Addison out in it (although she didn't stay out long at all and wasn't thrilled with how cold it was). What can I say? She is my child!

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