Friday, January 22, 2010

He's still here...

Remember my post around the holidays about our new "friend" the HAWK that had taken up residence in our backyard??? Well, guess what??? He's STILL here!

We have had some really cold weather lately and we didn't see him for a few days (which did NOT hurt my feelings in the least), but as soon as it warmed up...he came back. Lucky us!

I will admit...he is VERY pretty and he is fun to watch from our kitchen window BUT I would love to be able to let Belle outside without searching my backyard first and I would love to be able to let her stay outside for more than 3 minutes at a time. That is the reason we got the darn fence in the first place!

Here are a few recent photos of him (we really should have given him a name by now!)...

He likes to perch on our fence...

He's very photogenic and looks right at you when you ask him too... ;)

He even likes to play on Addison's swing set!

Crazy, huh? I just really want him to find a new "home" before the spring gets here and we all want to play outside. Anybody want him??? I will gladly give him directions to your house! Just let me know...we are currently accepting adoption applications.

Happy Friday!


Mom said...

No thank you. I would like to keep the wild birds and bunnies I am feeding and he would surely eat them! But he is very pretty.

Jessica said...

The hawk is still there??? Wow.

THe dolls in timeout cracks me up!!!