Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Trip to the Fire Station!

Our playgroup took a trip to the Fire Station last week and the kids had such a good time! Mr. Ken is fireman at the station we visited and he also goes to our church.

All of the kids were amazed by all of the gear that the firemen wear although poor Addison and a few of the other kids could have done without the mask and the oxygen tank. Addison was less than thrilled with this part and was ready to go outside and play on the fire truck once he put that on. Mr. Ken was so gracious and let each of the kids climb up on the firetruck and take a turn "driving" it. Addison thought this was so neat and couldn't wait to get home and tell Daddy. Speaking of Daddy, Mr. Ken showed all of the kids the different equipment that they keep on the firetruck. One of the things that he pulled off the truck was an ax. When he pulled this off, Addison was quick to announce (very proudly I might add) that her Daddy had one of those at home and that he chopped wood with it! Oh the things that children remember! :)

Mr. Ken showing the kids all of the gear they wear to keep them safe.

Addison was much more excited about looking at the truck.

She wasn't quite sure if he was really going to let her do this or not! ;)

Hey...maybe she will marry a fireman one day?? :)

So excited!

She loved driving the ambulance!

Mommy & Addie

We had such a fun day! I am so lucky that I get to experience all of these fun things with such an amazing little girl!

1 comment:

The Adams Family said...

Fire cute she looks like she had a ball :)