Thursday, September 17, 2009

With Fall Comes Football!

Fall brings a lot of things into our house but the biggest thing is FOOTBALL! Football on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and lucky for Addison and I...even Monday nights! That leaves two days that I get to watch T.V. without having to worry if a particular game is on. I will admit...I happen to like football but only when a team that I know something about is playing. Actually, even that might be pushing it a bit. I like to GO to games but that's about it. Being at a game is completely different than watching (or trying to watch) a game while stopping every 15 seconds to tell Addison to stop doing something, refill a juice cup or change the clothes of one of her baby dolls. Yep...actually going to a game is MUCH more fun!

Saturday was the first home game for Georgia so we packed up early Saturday morning and headed to Athens. It was so much fun to see everyone and the weather was great. Even better, the Dawgs won so everyone came home in good moods. :)

The guys...James, Duke and Kris

James with his favorite women ;)

The Skalons


Just in case you wondered how the guys felt about all the "posing"'s what most of my pictures look like!

Blanott with his wonderful grill!

Bart and Chris Johnson

Jess and I

Yes, going to the game with these wonderful people is MUCH more fun than listening to Duke scream at the T.V. at home. :)

1 comment:

morgan collins said...

yall are tailgating right infront of the dorm I lived in my freshman year:) I might have to crash the party one saturday:)