Thursday, August 12, 2010

Guess We're Really Doing This...

Addison's pre-school teacher called the house tonight to introduce herself to us and I couldn't help feeling a little sad when I hung up the phone with her. First let me say that she seemed VERY nice and when I told Addison that she had called, Addison was quite upset she did not get to talk to her herself. "Didn't she call to talk to me?" she asked.

Her name is Mrs. Tracy and she seems very nurturing which I am extremely thankful for. She asked lots of questions about Addison and from talking with her, I think Addison will do well with her.

I simply am not ready for this next phase although I know Addison is going to LOVE it and SHE is ready, which is what matters. The school is very close to our house and they have a K-12 program that she can attend which is our "big picture" hope for her. I already asked Mrs. Tracy about helping with the parties, etc. so hopefully I will get to be as involved with her class as Addison wants me to be. I figure having your Mom help in your class has got to still be cool when you're 3! Hoping so at least!!

Addison will start school on September 7th and right now it is all she talks about it. Please pray her excitement continues and my excitement builds! :)

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