Monday, April 26, 2010

Addison is getting so big so quickly and Duke and I find ourselves wishing we could freeze time with her all the time now. Every stage with Addison (okay not EVERY stage, but most) I have said, “This is my favorite age!” These last few weeks have been no different and we continue to love how easy it is to go somewhere with her now. Just us and Addison (not the entire house!)…it is wonderful!

Addison continues to be very vocal and amazes us every hour with the things she says. I wish I could record every conversation with her and keep them forever. I try to write the “best of the best” down or burn them into my memory but I know as time passes, I will forget them and that makes me sad. Unfortunately, my memory is not as good as Addison’s and I have to say, hers is phenomenal! This girl can remember anything you tell her and then some! You can be talking with her and she will bring up something you told her 6 months ago. It really is amazing.

Here are some other “Fun Facts” about Miss Addison these days:

• She knows her phone number and address.
• She likes to tell us how to get to our house once we pull into the neighborhood. Most of the time she uses “turn left” and “turn right” when giving the directions.
• She can tell you her birthday and point to the correct month on a calendar when asked when mine and Duke’s are.
• She knows her full name and the full names of me, Duke, and both of our parents.
• She call tell who everyone in our family is and how each person is related to the other, ie: brother, sister, mom, dad, etc.
• She can count to 20 and has recently learned to count to 5 in Spanish
• She is REALLY into things that match and everything has to be in its correct spot (she is SO her Daddy’s child!)
• She loves to look at different signs when we are driving down the road and point out letters that are in her name. This is what I hear all day, “Look Mom! There’s an A and a D…just like in Addison”
• She can tell you how to spell her name but still gets confused sometimes that she has to say the letter “D” back to back. Sometimes when we are working on this, it sounds like this…..

Me to Addison: “Addison, How do you spell your name?”
Addison: “A-D-I”
Me (interrupting): “One more D”
Addison: “I just said D, Mom!”

• Speaking of spelling her name, she did inform me the other night that she had “too many letters in her name.” Maybe we need to consider when choosing names for baby #2?
• We are working on writing her name right now. She’s got the A down pat and we just started working on the D.
• She continues to tell everyone (sometimes before they ask) that she is going to have a baby sister AND a baby brother soon! Those who know us well, know that twins run on my Dad’s side of the family and although we would take whatever God has planned for us…. We would prefer to NOT be tested in that way.

She is quite the little sponge right now and I try everyday to soak up every moment with her.

I love you so much baby girl and feel so blessed to be your Mommy!


MOM said...

Yes she is quite the little stinker! So funny each week to see what she will say. I hope I can remember all this when I am older. Thanks goodness you are keeping a blog! I hope I remember what a blog is. LOL!
Love MOM

Jessica said...

She is so smart, and I love to have conversations with her too! SHe will do great at preschool, I just know it!