Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Better Late than Never - Happy Father's Day!!

Four posts in and I've already done what I knew I would do! I know I'm late with this post but I still wanted to wish the two amazing men in my life a VERY Happy Father's Day! Addison and I are so blessed to have both of them in ours lives, to rush in and rescue us at any moment, in true Prince Charming style.

Duke, thank for being such an amazing Daddy to Addison. I love to watch the two of you play together and see her eyes light up when you walk into the room. Thank you for loving me the way that you do and showing her what true love looks like. I couldn't ask for anything more from you. I love you!

Dad, thank you for all of the sacrifices you made for us growing up and for all of the sacrifices you continue to make for my family. Thank you for always loving me even when I made mistakes. Thank you for loving Mom the way that you do and showing me what to look for in a husband. And thank you for ALWAYS being there for me no matter what time of day or night. You are an amazing Dad and an even better Pop-Pop! I love you!

We are all so lucky to have these two men in our lives!

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