Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Early Birthday Present and New Friends!

We have been wanting to get Addison a swing set for a while now and once the house came off the market, we decided that we would get Addison one for her birthday. Since her birthday falls at the end of November and you never know what the weather is going to be like, we decided that we would go ahead and let her have it now so she could get some use out of it before the weather turned really cold.

This past Sunday was beautiful here and Addison had so much fun playing on it. We were so thankful to have a break in the rain (finally!) and enjoyed the afternoon outside. Addison found a snail in the yard and was quite interested in it as you can tell from these photos. She wasn't sure what to think of it and would "shiver" when it would start to come out of it's shell. She is SO my child! :)

Addison and Belle with "their" new swing set

Can't believe she is really turning "3" next month

She is actually REALLY good at the monkey bars and would love to do this without help!

Such a Daddy's girl and he loves it!

Wonder if they'll ever "camp out" up here?? Guess we will find how just how much she's like me if he ever asks... :)

Her new "friend"

Paiently waiting for him to come out...

Maybe he needs a little help???

I love this picture of her but she looks SO big in it to me. :(

Happy early birthday sweet girl! We love you!

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