Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Addison's Thanksgiving Feast

Right before Thanksgiving, Addison enjoyed a Thanksgiving Feast at her school with all of her classroom friends. They had the best turn out and all of the parents provided the yummiest food for the children to enjoy. I am truly loving being Room Mom and having the opportunity to be so involved with Addison during her first year of school. She has the sweetest teachers and Duke and I both feel so blessed that she is in their classroom.

Look at this craft they did...What a sweet reminder this will be of how precious she was at this age!

Some of the sweet children in her class...

Our little turkey waiting to eat...

Each child shared with Ms. Tracy and Ms. Christy something they were thankful for before their Thanksgiving feast and their answers were proudly displayed around the classroom. Duke and I got the biggest kick out of Addison's answer!

Me with my sweet (and growing up WAY too quickly) girl!

Addison with her precious teachers. SO very thankful for them!

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