Friday, March 26, 2010

Another year older...

Somewhere among the craziness of the last two weeks, I turned 28. I have officially decided that I am going to stay 28 forever, so just a heads more birthdays for me. :)

I say all the time what an amazing husband and family I have but the following story will prove it. I'm telling ya...I am a very lucky lady!

My birthday fell on a Friday this year and we had so much going on that weekend that I had asked that we celebrate it with everyone when things calmed down a bit. My girlfriend Christina was getting married that Sunday so I had a bridal shower to attend for her late that Friday afternoon, her wedding to get ready for on Sunday plus I had to be packed and ready to leave from her wedding in order to catch a late flight and then be in Tampa for a week.

However, my hubby had other plans. First, when I got home from the shower, I had a complete surprise waiting for me. A sewing machine! Can you believe it??? Which part, right? That I wanted a sewing machine or that Duke actually went out on his own and bought me one!?! If I were you...I would choose BOTH! But YES, I wanted a sewing machine (I watch my Mom make cool stuff for Addison all the time and I know I can make half of the dresses I buy for her at a lot less than $40-50 a pop!) and YES my sweet, sweet husband shopped for one on his own and bought it for me! Love him!

Then, we had made plans to grab dinner when I got home from the shower but by the time I got home, I was exhausted, it was POURING down rain plus Addison had fallen asleep on the floor watching T.V. and was in an AWFUL mood. With that said, I suggested Duke just run out and grab the food and bring it back to the house but he insisted we go anyways. So after a major meltdown from Addison and an all out war to get her dressed and half way presentable to go out in public....we piled into the car and headed to grab a quick bite to eat. To my surprise, my parents were waiting for us at the restaurant...major points to Duke for setting that up AND not throwing in the towel when Addison pitched her fit! I do mean MAJOR POINTS if I could go back in time and let all of you see the tantrum she threw!

To top everything off, we were sitting at the table and all of a sudden, Addison says, "Look Daddy! A cake!" Naturally, Duke and I look over and behind the bar in the refrigerator, sat an adorable Barbie cake that my Mom had made for me! We all died laughing because of course it was supposed to be a surprise and how in the world Addison saw it, we will never know! Leave it to Addison!

Here is a picture of the wonderful cake:

Addison enjoyed wearing the "Birthday hat" when they so nicely came over to sing Happy Birthday to me!

Thank you so much to my wonderful family for being so determined to make my birthday so special!

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