Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas Day at Mom & Dad's

I love Christmas Day at my parents house! I have so many wonderful memories of long mornings spent sitting in the floor of their living room playing with all of our surprises. I remember how much I used to love to watch my parents open their gifts from each other. I loved watching my Mom open the gifts that were usually hidden deep down in the bottom of her stocking or watching as my Dad went and got the box he had hidden in some other room of the house so my Mom wouldn't find it. I have always been in awe of their love for each other and still am.

We headed over to my parents in the afternoon and enjoyed a great day of friends and family. We were lucky enough that Pat and John were able to spend Christmas with us again and they brought Addison's favorite 4-legged friend, Sandy.

Addison was so excited that Santa had also came to visit her at NaNa and PopPop's house! Who knew the old man made multiple trips?? PopPop was thrilled he brought her a kitchen so Addison could always make sure he had a snack waiting for him! ;)

Addison educating Captain John on how these kitchens work...he caught on beautifully! :)

Addison was so excited about her kitchen and new food that we ended up doing most of her Christmas in the floor of her room at my parents house.

I love the look on Addison's face in this photo. Addison LOVES pajama's and if she could have it her way, she would never take them off. Look at her face when we agreed to let her take off her dress and put her new pair on! Classic!

So sweet!

The Tesh's (minus Sandy!)

The 4 Divas! (More explanation on this photo later...promise!)

Poor Addison was so tired and worn out...she laid down right on the floor!

Stockings are a BIG deal in my just never know what you're going to find in them! Duke was very excited about his deodorant and shaving cream. :) I never know what you're going to find in them!

Addison looks so grown up to me in this picture. She sat so quietly and watched us open our gifts. I love how her little legs are crossed.

Pat got Mom and I glasses...a princess one for me and one with flip flops for her for all our fun memories at the beach!

My brother got Addison a bible and wrote her the sweetest message inside of it...I know she will treasure this one day.

My parents have the greatest neighbors and they have basically adopted Addison has their grandchild. This photo proves how much Addison has them wrapped around her little finger! If you only knew would know how funny this picture is.

By the end of the night, Addison was exhausted and Duke and I were overwhelmed by how blessed we are to have such amazing family and extended family. We had such a wonderful Christmas and it's hard to believe it's come and gone. Hope Santa was as good to all our friend's and family as he was to us!

1 comment:

Mom said...

What a day! Had sooo much fun! Can't wait until next year. Addison was a hoot. Love those PJ's what would we do without PJ's?
Scott will make a great grandpa one day. Pat & John are a blessing to this family. Hope they are around on Christmas for a long time. Oh yes and Sandy too.