Wednesday, November 18, 2009

1st trip to the dentist!

Addison had her first trip to the dentist a few weeks ago and I have to admit that she did better than I EVER expected her to do. I was COMPLETELY prepared for this visit to be horrible but to my surprise...she never cried the first tear. She actually LOVED the dentist and is still talking about her.

Addison has always been very curious about toothbrushes and dental floss so I think this helped some. We also read a Curious George book the night before about going to the dentist and I showed her the dentist's picture online and some photos of what the dentist office looked like (technology is wonderful) so she was very excited to meet her.

I was so proud of her and can not believe how fast she is growing up!

Helping Dr. Hogan clean her teeth

Cheese! All done!

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